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Mastering Customer Experience Through Communication
CX is a buzzworthy term floating around boardrooms, marketing departments and C-suites these days. CX is a quippy way of referring to...
What is Your Brand’s Story?
Does Your Brand Messaging Speak to Your Audience? What if you are spending thousands of dollars on branding content but it’s speaking to...
Empowerment Entrepreneur Luly B. Reveals Where to Find Your Best Corporate Social Responsibility Ide
When Florida International University (FIU) welcomes its alumna, the successful entrepreneur and speaker, Luly B. Carreras ’00, each...
Creating Corporate Social Responsibility Programs: A Guide to Simply Getting Started
What seems complicated can often be easier than you think. For Cabanas Consulting clients, creating a “corporate social responsibility”...
Research and Co-Branding Makes for Smart Marketing and Philanthropy
Did you see that CVS Health recently announced a $100 million dollar pledge to support healthier communities? They are using a nationwide...
Corporate Social Responsibility at Cisneros with Maria Ignacia Arcaya
Welcome to the the Doing Well by Doing Good Series. Today Cabanas Consulting welcomes Maria Ignacia Arcaya, Vice President and Executive...
Training Centre Creates New Economic Opportunities in Jamaica
Cabanas Consulting is proud to have partnered with the Manfred Memorial Foundation and the Merritt Family Foundation for the creation of...
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